I Failed, And Now What?

In this letter, i just wanted to write something as I document my journey.

It was the day of January 1st, 2024, I had set some goals for myself. I set on achieving one of my big goals that day and was excited and ready to go in to achieve what I had planned.


I Failed

Failed to achieve the goal, and I bet you could not deny the fact that no matter how hard you work, failures always hit you down like hard, and the same went for me. It took me a while to get myself

And that failure helped me realize that I failed because of nothing but my failure, I failed because of who I was becoming.

Even after setting up such a goal, all I would do was nothing but lie to myself. I wasn’t the one that I planned on becoming, I let my comfort dictate my entire months and that led me to my own despair all I got was nothing, and got nowhere.

But now what?

What do I do hereby, where do I go?

Something that I kept asking myself because even tho I failed to achieve my goal, I just couldn’t let the thoughts of giving up ever come to my mind, I just couldn't live the life where I am not the person that I dreamed of or someone who has achieved anything and everything that I desired.

I am still not sure, what I am gonna do but the only sure thing is that I am not giving up, yeah the deadline went by but I am still here, the world doesn’t end on the deadlines, the world ends when we cease to chase living.

A fresh journey is what I could say about,
Learning from the past and improving for the future, is all it takes to grow and be better than who I was yesterday

I didn’t even know what I would write here in this email, I just wanted it to be raw and authentic of myself

For now, all I can say is there is no stopping with a failure, I am going to do whatever it takes. For a dream, I have to achieve.

I’d fail if i had to, the one who i become shall pick me up

With that being said, see you on the next one


We for the GREATNESS