Do You Dare To Suffer?

It’s no doubt that you have big dreams and goals, wanting to achieve something great in life. Everyone has dreams, big or small, and you reading this are one of those dreamers.

But ask yourself, are you?

Everyone Comes, Everyone Sees, But Only a Few Conquer.


Really ask yourself.

Everyone has dreams and goals, but only a few can make it to even a small level of success. It's not about how big or small the goal is, nor how hard or easy it is to achieve. Rather, it’s all about a simple answer to a very simple question:

Can you make it?,

For real, can you?

You might think, “Why is this even a question?” You believe that if you can see it, you can achieve it, right?

But if only it were that easy.

Ask yourself again: could you make it? Do you dare to make it?

It’s not about how clearly you see your dreams and goals or how strongly you believe you are going to make them. If it were that simple, don’t you think you would already be in the place you dream of?

Because your belief is so strong and you see it so clearly, you should have already achieved it, right?

But here you are, still just dreaming. There’s no shame in dreaming because everything starts as a small dream. Yet, one simple thing separates you from the rest of the dreamers: a strong will to suffer, an unshakable mindset willing to withstand the flames and the pain to become the person you aspire to be.

To achieve all your dreams and goals, you need to become who you are not and let go of who you are used to being. To make it all your glory, you need to do things you don’t like doing to become who you want to be.

And to assure you, it’s not going to be easy.

At some point, you’ll think being in hell might be easier than this.

So, again, ask yourself:

Are you the person you say you are?

Do you dare not just dream, but suffer?

If you’ve read this far, I bet you are willing to achieve your goal.

Knowing that now I want to say: do yourself a favor and be a part of the greatest event where every so-called daredevil is joining. Let’s see how great a person of your word you are.

Do You Dare To Be The Greatest?

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